Have Dirt?
We'll Travel!

Life is complicated and time is short. Don't waste precious hours worrying about your home's exterior. At Let It Shine, our mission is to deliver top-level service and full customer satisfaction.

Welcome to Let It Shine Exterior Cleaners

The outside of your home needs to reflect the pride you have in your property. A dirty exterior sends the wrong message to the world. But keeping things looking clean and sharp takes time and equipment that you don't have. That's why you need the expert help that the professionals at Let It Shine cleaning service can provide.

Strong values + excellent service

Let It Shine, located in Belvidere, Illinois, offers all the services you need to maintain your buildings, preserving their curb appeal and preventing expensive repairs in the future. Dirt and debris make your property look shabby but can also shorten the life of your siding, roofing, driveways, etc. Keeping your building exteriors clean protects your investment and contributes to the appearance of your community as well as your own home.

30 Years Experience

The owner of Let It Shine is Belvidere born and raised, so he understands the area and what property owners need to do in order to maintain their buildings. He is a veteran and has 30 years in the industry, which means he has the discipline and experience to deliver excellent customer service. You get the best of both worlds. These hometown values combined with state-of-the-art technology mean excellent service for the Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin area.

At Let It Shine, we embrace the midwestern values of hard work, discipline, community & customer service.

Concrete is used throughout many buildings and not just for structural integrity. It also serves a decorative purpose. Keeping it clean improves the look of your property and reduces the wear and tear that grit and other debris can cause. Cracked and dirty concrete can ruin the look of any home. Let It Shine uses the latest cleaning techniques to protect your concrete while restoring its appearance.


With over 30 years of industry experience, the crew at Let It Shine has the knowledge as well as the technology to handle the most difficult exterior cleaning jobs. We combine traditional values with the latest technology to provide exceptional cleaning results.


Too often, businesses are not invested in the community. This is not the case at Let It Shine. We have life-long ties to the area and care about its future. During difficult times, we believe a community has to stick together.


Strong values and excellent service make us the go-to exterior cleaning service in the Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin area. And you can trust us to get the job done. Remember, we don't rest until you are satisfied.

Advanced Technology

We are proud of our values, but that doesn't mean we aren't open to new advances in technology. We pride ourselves on providing the latest and safest cleaning methods. Some companies use harsh chemicals that harm your home while they clean. Instead, we are careful to use methods that protect your home's exterior while thoroughly cleaning it. We only remove the dirt - not your exterior surfaces.

Don't let your home's appearance deteriorate! Make an appointment to get those cleaning jobs accomplished.